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Man Welding


Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification.
In general, W-9s are required only for business-to-business relationships where more than $600 is paid in the calendar year. The $600 rule applies to labor and services.

1099 MISC - Miscellaneous Income

We can help you prepare and file Form 1099. Did you have business activity that requires a 1099? MORE INFO HERE

Tax Filing Dates

*Estimated Tax Payments; April 15th, June 15th, September 15th & January (following year) 15th. 

*Partnership Returns (IRS Form 1065); March 16th, extended deadline September 15th.  

*C-Corporation (IRS Form 1120); April 15th, extended deadline October 15th

*S-Corporation (IRS Form 1120-S) March 15th, extended de


Planning a 5-Year Business Strategy

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Top 7 Consulting Services You Should Try

This is your News Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors with industry insights, business tips or additional success stories. You can also use this space to publish relevant updates and link to helpful resources for your visitors. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your article or add a video for extra engagement!

9 Team-Building Strategies

This is your News Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors with industry insights, business tips or additional success stories. You can also use this space to publish relevant updates and link to helpful resources for your visitors. Choose a great image or photo to feature in your article or add a video for extra engagement!

Helpful Dates & Forms: Resources and Tips
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